Thursday, November 28, 2013


Hello friends family and everyone else!!

For starters, I love you all. Thanks for being kind, generous, sweet, hilarious, and fun! Life sure is good. =) I've had the most wonderful fall so far! I have always loved fall before it became a trendy white girl thing. ;) I think it dates back to high school and band, football games, school activities, and seeing my friends. But no matter. Around these here parts it has been one of the prettiest autumns that I can remember in a long time. The past few years it's just been gray, dark, dreary, and VERY wet. Frankenstorm/Hurricane Sandy last year and the 3 feet of rain in September 2011 that ruined everyone's lives with flooding. I exaggerate...but seriously. Last year I was so busy that everything just passed me by.

So this year I made sure to do it all! And to appreciate every single brightly-colored leaf and breath of fresh crisp air. And great fun has been had. Except for the fact that I bought about 2 tons of candy and on trick-or-treat nite we only had one had-to-have-been-about-17-year-old boy wearing jeans, a sweatshirt, a cape, and a lined notebook paper phantom of the opera mask, and an hour later a family of little Hispanic ninos. Fortunately I work in a school, so that's where 90% of the candy went! The rest Chase and I got to enjoy.

I thought this year I would do a Thanksgiving post using as many pictures as I could, Buzzfeed style. So without further ado, 30 things I love and am thankful for in the month of November...

1.) I am grateful for this man:

For how he makes me laugh every day, and helps me grow, and makes me better.
2.) And for this day:
3.) And for this place, and being married there:
4.) I'm grateful for these people:
 5.) And these people, (and many more) too!
6.) For this sweet old little cuddlebug:
7.) And here's to the perfect and beautiful autumn we had:
8.) I'm grateful for my cooking abilities and the calming effect it has on me...and how good it all tastes! ;) In the past month or so, I've made chili and cornbread, stuffed peppers, and banana bread for the first time.
9.) For new adorable nephews (Hi baby Logan!):

10.) My job and my sweet, sweet client who, along with the other kids, give me warm fuzzies and melt my heart every day.
11.) I'm grateful for my crazy curly mane:

12.) For these four men, and the funniest show on tv right now:

13.) For this day in my life, and my education so far:
(P.S. Miss you all, hope you're doing GREAT!)

14.) For the complexity, simplicity, and incredible miracle of this thing that I stand in awe of, and for having a healthy one:
15.) I'm grateful for $.50-$1 books from this place, which I like to go to on a weekly basis to find new good reads:
16.) And let's face it, I'm completely not ashamed to say that I love and am grateful for thrifting too:
($3 brand new! Yay sparkly princess flats!)

17.) The person who created this winning combination of delicious that I could never get sick of:
18.) The internet, and it's endless ways to make me laugh everyday:

19.) My favorite dessert:
20.) For this beverage, and the animal that provides it:
21.) For this company, for offering Chase a job and promising career:
22.) For getting to see this place this year, and for art and the beauty of the earth:
23.) For my home away from home:
24.) How happy doing this makes me, and the opportunities this talent has provided:
 (Yes folks that's Mack Wilberg, musical genius!)
25.) Bonfires, smores, and the smell of wood smoke:

(And this awesome movie!)
26.) My Savior
27.) The Christmas season:
28.) Bad experiences, for making me stronger, smarter, more patient, able to appreciate happiness, and most importantly, be more compassionate to others:
29.) For this man, for his love, compassion, and devotion to the gospel:
30.) And for this talk he gave, one of my all-time faves:
 Which gently reminds me to always be grateful for what I have. =)


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