The time has come to start my big-girl blog, now that I am a married woman! WWWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOO! I found him! And he is sexy, hilarious, loving, and good...just like I always wanted. I guess all those times I volunteered to say the prayer in Sunday school paid off right? ;)
Here are some pictures, thanks to Chase's very talented sister Nicole!:
Right after exiting the temple.
Being silly. =)
Sydney and Haley's spectacular game at our reception. =)
The highlights. ;)
Have you ever noticed how once you get married, single friends ditch you? Or vice versa? I've talked to people about it and some people say it's the singles that ditch and others say it's the married people that become obsessed with each other and ditch. Whatever the case may be, let's be friends no matter what, k?
Married Life Story #1:
It was sunny and beautiful every day of our honeymoon, except the day we left. So we had to drive home in the rain, which didn't bother me until we got to PA and it was 9PM and it just kept raining and raining SO HARD, I was hydroplaning every 5 seconds, gripping the steering wheel until my hands hurt, scaring Chase, and staring wide-eyed into the darkness because I couldn't see a darn thing.
Needless to say, when we got home our nerves were a little shot and we were ready for bed. I turned a light on, started to walk back to our room, and what looked like a small rodent ran across the floor in the shadows. I gasped loudly and started dancing around like I had to pee or something. For those of you who live in PA (or a similar climate) you probably know how the story goes. When it rains a ton (and it had been raining there all week) your house suddenly becomes full of spiders, and centipedes, who lurk about in the shadows and damp areas. It's gotten to the point that when I see what could be a mouse, I freak out because I know what it really is and that grosses me out. If it were actually a mouse it wouldn't scare me at all, I'd be like "omgosh look a cute mouse!" Anyway, I shined a light on it, and sure enough it was the second largest centipede I'd ever seen. (You don't want to hear about the biggest one...really.) It was definitely mouse-sized...about 2-3 inches long. And I freaked out and started on a crusade to kill it. Chase wanted to go to bed and thought this was literally the stupidest idea he'd ever heard. I said I couldn't sleep knowing that thing was in our house. There was a small debacle in deciding/finding a proper weapon to do the job, and at last Chase went to where it was half-hiding under the punching bag with one of his shoes ("this is so dumb, I can't believe you're making me do this"). I sat on the bed in nail-biting mode and asked "did you get it?" He came back in, and exasperated said "yeah, half of it, the other half just ran away" and made creepy crawly motions with his fingers as he said it. This both creeped me out and made me get the giggles at the same time, and we went to bed one of us overly tired and grumpy and the other overly tired and trying not to bust up cackling like a hyena while shivering over the inch or more of centipede that ran free.
Making a humid little apartment a home, half a centipede at a time.
So anyway, check back, I can't wait to start blogging again! I am also a graduated Master of School Psychology woman, which means I can come home from work and do whatever the heck I want! No crazy busy schedule.
Well, for now. But in the mean time:
I did it! I made it through! And I'm gonna party on! Because the past year was the hardest I've worked in my life. =)
In a nutshell, being married is great (except I really hate men's socks...a man can have the cleanest nicest feet ever, but ugh, those socks), being graduated is beyond fantastic, and being 25 is pretty fun.
Peace out little scouts!
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