Thursday, November 23, 2017

Resources and Side Hustles to Share

Hello friends! I've been thinking of how to show gratitude this Thanksgiving for the things I have. Over the past few years, I've developed a knack for researching and finding my resources. Family and friends are always in awe of my random side hustles. And I've never been very open about them. I guess I liked my secrets. Or sometimes I felt silly about them and was afraid people would judge me for finding money and freebies in weird places. I realize it's selfish to keep these things secret though. Some of my greatest blessings came into my life through a friend's facebook post or word-of-mouth recommendation. And there's no shame in needing or wanting extra money outside of your full-time job. None at all.

So it is time to share them, and shout my blessings from the rooftops. I will be completely open and honest, some of these things give me an incentive for referring people. That is not my main reason for doing this, but it is a cool bonus! I won't deny it. šŸ˜‰ I will be transparent about it though. If you want to think I am just doing this for referral money, then I'm going to quote Taylor Swift and tell you to call it what you want to.


I have worked for this company for 5.5 years. I moved to Philadelphia for grad school, jobless, with not much money saved up. After a couple unsuccessful job interviews, I got hired by CCRES/the CCIU. Best job I've ever had. Working with children and teenagers with developmental disorders has forever changed my life. The pay is top notch in the field. For most positions, you are hired as an independent contractor, you cannot work over 40 hours in a week, and there are no benefits. If you have insurance through something else, if you enjoy working with kids or in a school setting, and if you live in the Chester/Montgomery/Delaware/Lancaster county area of Pennsylvania, they probably have a great paying job for you! Some positions are non-degreed (you do not need a 4 year degree).

Check it out here: CCRES Employment 

If you apply, feel free to drop my name, or don't. I do get money when a referral is successfully hired.

2.) Field Agent app

I don't remember how I happened upon this one. You can make decent pocket change with apps nowadays, if you weren't aware. I have tried just about all of them. Really really. I've probably tried 20. This one is the best! Sign up, and you will see a list of local jobs and 'audits'. Most of them require you to do something like this: walk into Walmart, find the frozen bread section, take 1 picture, and answer 3 questions about products in the section. Earn $4. It is simple. It takes 5 minutes. It's not too shady. I end up going there 3 times a week anyway to pick up random groceries I forgot. So why not walk down an aisle, snap a pic, and earn a couple bucks while I'm there?

But that isn't the best part! They also offer you the chance to try products. I've purchased meals from McDonalds, Little Caesar's, Burger King and other fast food places, tried out the food, and given my opinion. I get reimbursed + $5. Sometimes they ask you if you're interested in trying out a household product. You get the item shipped to you for free. All you have to do is write a review, post it online, and you get to keep the item. I've been sent a $60 double sided waffle maker that rocks my world, a $40 toaster, a $100 foodsaver vacuum sealer, and most recently a $600 heavy duty 15 piece Calphalon set of cookware. For free. One time I did an audit that asked me to check out all the Halloween candy options and purchase a bag up to $20. They wanted to know what designs and candy appeals to people the most. Free humongous bag of candy + $5. That was one of my favorites.

They also do a monthly contest to win up to $500 a month. I've never won and probably never will. But it exists.

This app is awesome, end of story.

3.) VIPkid

This job has been an incredible opportunity for me! I teach English to cute Chinese kids online each morning for a couple hours. I make $10 per 25 minute class + incentives. I work from the comfort of my own home! VIPkid is always hiring. The curriculum is provided. Great training. Great community. Just show up with a few props, be energetic, and cheer these kids on as you teach. You do need a 4 year degree (does not have to be in teaching) and some kind of documented experience working with kids. The interview/application process was incredibly difficult for me. They are a young company and always trying to improve though. If you're interested, I can give you lots of details and help you through the process! The kids make everything worth it. So far I've taught over 150 classes, 86 different children, and only had 2 difficult classes with behavioral issues. You can make your own schedule. Work as little or as much as you want. Did I mention you'll be working at home?? Best part time job for people in the education field. It has been especially helpful for me on the days I have off from my TSS job, and I am looking forward to it in the summer time when my TSS hours decrease.

Here is a screenshot of one of my regular kiddos. Before class starts, he writes hello on the slide and writes me little notes or draws pictures on a paper and holds it up for me to see. It might be oh dark pre-buttcrack of dawn thirty, but man do I feel loved!

Use this link or my referral code if you want! And please do contact me with all the questions you have! 

Check out VIPkid  Here is my code: 03CWLE

4.) Givling

This company restores my faith in humanity! It is a trivia game app. When you play and watch an ad, the money earned from the ad goes to paying off average people's student loans. You get 2 free plays per day, but you can also buy coins for $.50 a pop to play more if you want. The coin money also funds "the queue" of student loans. Forbes can explain it better than I can:

 Givling: An Online Game App That Lets You 'Play Off' Student Loan Debt

So far, players have paid $615,000 and paid off 9 loans. They also do daily cash prizes for the highest scoring 3-player trivia team. I suck at trivia but I was on a good team once and won $30. The more they earn, the bigger the cash prize the following day. It takes 5 minutes to play, and if nothing else, you are helping someone else pay off a loan.

If you need a Givling code to join, here is mine: SE744237. We each get a free coin to play when you use it.

Sometimes I think a lot of people don't understand Givling, think it's a scam, or just assume they won't get anything out of it. The more people who play, the more money will go to paying off loans. Right now Givling pays off approximately one loan a month. Their goal is to pay off multiple loans per day.

The selfless nature of this company is a breath of fresh air in a polluted world.

5.) Poshmark

I downloaded Poshmark a couple years ago. I wanted to try to sell some of my clothes that were good brands and good condition, but I didn't wear anymore. I think Plato's Closet is the worst and I wasn't interested in consignment shops. So I gave Posh a go. Here I am 2 years later, and I've sold 79 items and made over $500. It is easy to list your items. If sold, they email you a shipping label, you ship it, and once the item is received by the buyer, you get your money. Direct deposit or check. Posh keeps 20%. Some people think this is steep, but I think it's fair.

I also really love Posh as a buyer. You can find great items at excellent prices. I found my favorite pair of Ugg boots on Posh. Originally $275, I got them for $50. They have men's clothes, kids clothes, jewelry and makeup too.

If you're ambitious and want to create your own mini business, once you become experienced and pass some certifications, you can buy new wholesale items and start your own Posh boutique.

My referral code is: SMEYLER. We both get $5 credit to our accounts when you sign up. You can spend that on whatever your heart desires that you find on Posh.

If you're not interested in donating or consigning clothes at this point in your life, Posh is a good way to go. If you have no desire to sell and just like to find good deals, Posh is for you. You can find everything on there. 

6.) dscout

Dscout is a really cool app. It's like doing a paid opinion study or being part of a focus group through an app. You apply to available studies, or as they call them 'missions'. Applications take 2-3 minutes, and usually require you to record a 1 minute video of yourself talking about the topic of the study. You don't always get selected. Since June, I've gotten picked for 7-8 missions. The payment ranges, but is excellent! I'm doing one right now that will pay me $175. I did one a few weeks ago that took me 5 minutes and required 1 video to talk about how I use my Fitbit. $30. It's crazy the money people will pay you for your opinions on their products.

7.) Chick Fil A cow calendar

This one won't make you a millionaire, but it might just brighten your day. Did you know Chick Fil A sells ridiculously gaudy cow calendars each year? Buy one for $7, and you get a card for the year that has a free menu item each month. If you download the app on your phone, you also get more free stuff, and you can order it before you get there and go pick it up when you want. Super convenient. And there's no limit to the freebies. One time I had 2 free cookies, 2 free sodas, and a fruit cup and I used them all.

Well, I've shared all the wealth that I can think of at the moment. Go forth friends. Eat your free food, earn your extra money, an do whatever you need to do with it. I really truly hope this reaches someone and gives them help in their hour of need.

Friday, January 9, 2015


I wanted to take the time to quickly document a 3.5-year-old but very beloved picture of my sweet girl, since it was on my brain and I don't know how much longer she has on this earth.

She's almost 16, but knowing her, she will be old and decrepit and live forever. =)

Each time I see it, Bilbo Baggins' voice pops in my head saying, "it's a dangerous business, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to."

And it warms my heart. =)

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

New Years Resolutions

Sorry this is almost a week late...I'm a slacker. =)

Here are a few of my resolutions for 2015! I'm excited for the new year and what it has in store!

1.) Be more active.
I plan to buy a good pedometer, measure my typical steps, and then increase them by almost double. I have eating healthy down pretty good (with the exception of the occasional  noshing on pizza, weekly soda, and extra serving of dinner). I think those things, when done sparingly, are harmless, and sometimes even necessary. I'm a firm believer of food therapy, as long as it doesn't turn into food addiction. Anyways, I think my problem is I sit too much!

2.) Come to a decision about more school and my future career.
And that decision could just be 'NOPE' or 'not for awhile', but it needs to be made.

3.) Get a 2nd part-time job OR (as much as I don't want to) a full-time job, in order to say goodbye to hospital and credit card debts in 2015.
In 5 years, I want to say that I worked my butt off to be debt-free and be 'where I am now'. My current job is my favorite one so far, but sometimes (summer, winter break, every time it snows) my hours just don't cut it. =/ I have the feeling this may (but maybe not) help me accomplish #2.

4.) Be a better friend.
In the past year, I often felt too worried and stressed about my own troubles to be able to reach out to other people. I don't want to do that this year. My worries may still be there, but I think letting them go and caring for other people is way more important, and beneficial for all involved. I would hate to look back and see that I missed out on a friend's life, joys, and sorrows, because I was too busy pitying myself for my current situation.

5.) Listen more, look at my phone less.
I don't have the greatest hearing, and that can't always be helped. It will never be perfect, but I know it would get a little better if I paid more attention to people, not things.

6.) Along with #1, I would like to take better care of my appearance.
As a survivor of depression, waves of self-doubt and insufficiency and "ugh, people don't like me/talk about me/think I do a poor job" still hit me. A lot more often than I'd like them too. When I have been in my best shape physically, I also took better care of myself and felt my best emotionally too. And so I've made a small list of tiny little things I can do, habits I can develop, to not only look better but feel better. Like not skipping out on that extra 5 minutes of flossing and mouthwashing before bed, doing some squats or other exercises and stretches instead of sitting while watching tv, and painting my toenails.

Like President Hinckley said, each day "try a little harder, to be a little better".

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Christmas Card 2014

Hello friends and family!

I thought this year I would write a blog post Christmas letter to any and all who wish to read it. Itā€™s been a year of ups and downs and loop-de-loops for Chase and I. A lot is to be experienced when youā€™re in that ā€˜young, poor and newly-weddedā€™ stage, and boy did we experience a lot! I am grateful everyday that I chose Chase to be the one to have by my side for eternity. We have learned, grown together, and been richly blessed.

Together we survived a brutally cold winter in a drafty little apartment with heat that didnā€™t work. (Thanks to space heaters, electric blankets, thick down comforters, and cuddling, we made it.) We survived our pipes freezing on 2 or 3 occasions, mice, you name it. I could write a book about that place, but Iā€™ll refrain. In February-March, I dealt with some health issues and experienced my first 2 trips to the ER and first trip to the OR, complete with an overnight stay. Despite previous anxiety at the thought of hospitals, I was a big girl and felt nothing but exhaustion, typical post-surgery soreness, and comfort that Chase never left my side. It feels really good to have a person. Within a few weeks I was healed, it was spring, and the warmth worked wonders to lift our spirits!

For fun, we went for many a walk and/or run around the park in Downingtown, longboarded (I still make Chase hold onto my belt loop when I do it), hiked Hawk Mountain and Wissahickon park, explored downtown Philadelphia, and window-shopped at KOP. One time, I shot an AR-15. 

Holy cannoli. Over the summer we joined my parents for their annual vacation to Delaware, (which was a bit of light in a pretty dismal first half of the year), dealt with car troubles on Chaseā€™s end, and searched for places to move to, despite moving seeming like a faraway dream.

Finally at the end of August we found a nice little house for rent in Gap. Although moving there would more than double the distance we drove to work and it is along an, at times, obnoxiously loud truck-filled road, it was a HUGE answer to a prayer. Many, many prayers. And so in mid-to-end of September, we said goodbye to a ghetto area of Downingtown and hello to Amish country! And we love, love, LOVE it! We now have a full basement, a garage for Chaseā€™s car, a porch, plentiful windows and sunlight, heat that works and feels wonderful, a big attic, an Amish farm behind us with cute little cows in our backyard, and lots of room for our little family to grow. We love our new ward and feel at home there. We couldnā€™t ask for more.

In the fall, we realized Chaseā€™s little white Mustang was sucking us dry and would continue to do so, and so we upgraded to a 2010 Mustang GT and drove off into the sunset with no regrets. Chase had a glint in his eye like a kid on Christmas morning. As Chase works at a company that deals strictly with Mustangs, there are many perks to having one. So although we considered other alternatives for our next vehicle, that is what we decided on. I paid off my little hairdryer of a Civic hybrid over the summer, and had plans to sell it next spring and enjoy a year of no car payments. But alas, she started not doing so well and I was worried she wouldnā€™t get me through the winter. So on Thanksgiving break from work, I was blessed to find a most excellent deal on a like-new Dodge Dart. I have never in my life wanted one of those and just stumbled across it, but I love it a lot!

I continue to love my job! I have excellent coworkers who I can call my friends, the kiddos are the best, and I work a stoneā€™s throw away from Chase. Chase is excelling at American Muscle. After being there for only a year, he has received several raises and learned many different areas of the shop, including how to paint! Which is pretty cool. Heā€™s still interested in a career in private security or the police but is in no rush, just waiting to see what his current company has to offer. Iā€™m still weighing my options for more schooling. Perhaps attending Millersville to get my school psych cert, perhaps going an entirely different route with my career and going back for any one of the following: music therapy, art therapy, special education administration positions, the circus (haha) etc. Clearly, I am undecided, but have faith that with some effort it will all work out in time.

Weā€™ve enjoyed this holiday season and the time we get to spend with family and friends. What seemed like a difficult year for us has turned into a wonderful one. In 2015, we hope to see more of all of you, get in shape and lose the ā€˜marriage freshman 15ā€™ weā€™ve both gained in the past year and a half (Chase blames my cooking), work hard to pay off some of our debts (wooo student loans), and continue to enjoy life and being together, no matter what comes our way!

Merry Christmas! 
ā€œFor unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.ā€ ā€“Luke 2:11 

Enjoy some pictures of our holiday:

Trip to Lititz and the Wilbur Chocolate factory with my mom.

The piano my wonderful parents lovingly had delivered to our house last week. (It's always been a dream of mine to first have room for a piano, and then second to have one!)

Tyler's baptism last weekend, a happy day. =)

Our goofy selves in front of Mom and Dad's tree.

Our beautiful tree, taken one night while we were watching movies. Got it for a steal of a deal on a facebook yardsale website.

Chillin' with the Salem fuzzer on Christmas Eve. Note my sweet leggings given to me by a sweet coworker!

Mom knitted all of us caps, ear warmers, scarves, and fingerless gloves this year. She is very talented! 

My first try at apple pie made from scratch for Christmas dinner at the Eylers!

And just because it's Thursday, a throwback to my very first Christmas. Dad the Joseph, Dave the Shepherd, me the "Jesus-ette", Missy the Mary, and Scott the Wiseman.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

The Dark Ages

As the world mourns over the loss of Robin Williams this week, articles, blogs, and information about depression are suddenly EVERYWHERE. (Thank you Buzzfeed, Huffingtonpost, and other "news websites" for that.)

But yesterday Buzzfeed actually posted something and got it pretty right, and as I reflected on my experiences, having suffered from undiagnosed and unmedicated depression for about 4 years of my life, I thought I would add my voice to the throng and share some of my experiences. I don't call those 4 years "the dark ages" of my life for nothing.

Here's the link to the article I'll be referencing:

My husband Chase and I would love to bring a couple curly-haired baby girls into this world, and hopefully one day, God willing, we will. But being a woman, I worry about my future girls sometimes. As a man, Chase thinks boys are much more worrisome and difficult to raise, because they go out with their friends at any age and do ridiculous stunts, hurt themselves, get into trouble, come across a lot more of the dark things of this world than girls do, etc.

He's got a point there.

Did you know that preteen and teenage girls are among those at the highest risk for depression? I learned that in a class on child and human development. Girls that age are very susceptible to low self-esteem.

I want my girls to be confident, but humble and kind. To know without any doubt their self worth, so that no one will ever be capable of making them believe otherwise. I hope they shine like the sun.

And so I hate that statistic. I also hate it, because that was me! I did great in middle school, which is a problem time for a lot of girls. I had a solid group of bffs, the Harry Potter books, the Lord of the Rings movies, and 53 different celebrity crushes like Sean Biggerstaff to keep me preoccupied and happy. The cruelty of mean girls hadn't started yet.


Look at us! Look at our cute faces! Look at how fat I was! Look at my nasty unkempt eyebrows! (Didn't figure that one out til college, ugh.) I LOVED that time of my life. 

But then it got to the 10th grade, and I found a boy. And that's where it all began.

I don't blame my depression on him. Really, I don't. After all, Lord knows as a 17-year-old boy at a school that never addressed or mentioned depression, dealing with a girlfriend who had it I'm sure was really hard. And we didn't even know that's what it was! I didn't figure out until 3 years into it as a psychology major in college that I was certifiably depressed. Things could have been SO different had I even known in high school that that's what was wrong with me and I could do something about it. I just lived through it thinking it was teenage angst and the fact that I was an awful person.

Now, do I think he handled the situation horribly? Absolutely. Was he kind, compassionate, or loving? Not at all. I'm not going to bash him or try to dirty his name. But I will not hesitate to say that it was a toxic relationship, and without a doubt he aggravated the depression and made it worse, so he is therefore in this story. Unavoidably so.

Depression DOES physically hurt. I have never experienced fatigue like I did then. Physical, awful, achey, fatigue. One of the most classic signs of a depressed person that you won't find in the DSM is the head in the hand.

Here's a little Captain Picard for you. That was me all the time. I never had too much trouble getting out of bed, probably because nature was calling. But if I had free time, I would sit at my desk in my dorms or apartment, or on my bed with my computer in front of me and do that for HOURS. Nowadays I can sit down and quickly create a plan for the day or a to-do list and get to it. In my dark ages, it was impossible. I knew I had to do something. Even wanted to do something. But typing was too hard. Looking at my computer screen was too hard. The article doesn't lie when it says getting up and making myself a bowl of cereal was TOO FREAKING HARD. I would lift my head up and try to muster the energy to get something as simple as turning the light on accomplished, only to sigh or groan and think to myself "ugh I just can't!" and put my head back into the comfort of my hand and either start praying or crying or both. I can't even explain why people do the head in hand thing. It becomes a physical need when you're depressed. It's too painful and difficult to not put your head down. Or at least for me it was, anyway.

That goes right along with the food thing. Also spot on. There would be days where I just didn't eat, because all I could do was sit in my bed and browse facebook. I'm sure it wasn't as bad as other people, because I love food and my parents would be like "Hey, Wendy's tonite!" and who can pass up that kind of greasy delicious comfort food, but I did have a weird eating pattern. My social phobias and awkwardness were out of this world, too, so you wouldn't catch me anywhere near the inside of a Wendys. That food was brought home for me, God bless my parents. And of course there were some days where I ate everything.

My dreams got really freaky sometimes, especially when my depression was at it's worst. You know how your dreams usually are kind of weird, or something's just a little off? And you wake up and try to tell someone about it later and realize it all just sounds ridiculous? Like it seemed fine as you were dreaming it, but then as you're sharing it you think to yourself, "why am I talking right now?" haha.Well, depression dreams are horrifyingly realistic. My senior year of high school, I used to have dreams every night or at least every other about my friends and significant other abandoning me, hating me, and saying the meanest things my dreaming mind could muster. That's part of the reason I think depressed people have sleeping problems too...the nightmares scare you enough that you don't like to sleep, but you're so sad all the time all you want to do is sleep. I would wake up sobbing with tears pouring down my cheeks, and remember everything clearly. I still remember some of them. Eventually, what actually happened in my real life was the equivalent or worse than all my nightmares. That's depression.

#5 of the article, about friends not knowing how to handle things and ditching you....THIS! THISThisthisthisthis! This is where I will spend a majority of my post. Mixed with #9, not knowing what's real thought and your depression speaking, and #18, arguing with your real friends about what a terrible person you are, this is where all my words, thoughts and feelings come pouring out.

To begin, depression made me forget 90% of my memories of high school. Or maybe I chose to forget. Either way, I did, and I'm so glad I can't remember them or I'd probably still be depressed. But of the 10% I remember, telling the difference between what was real and what was my depression talking is literally impossible. And so when I tell the stories, if you were involved, I'm sorry if I'm misrepresenting how it really was and how you really felt. It's just the way I remember it because it's the way it was playing in my chemically-imbalanced brain at the time, and I think its important for others to understand that. I will never know what came first, my depression and depressive thoughts, or people, including the one closest to me who I loved the most, hating on me and bashing me, calling me the names that my depressive thoughts told me. That is a giant, knotted, frazzled, mangled ball of thoughts and memories that will never be straightened out. And please know, that for anyone involved, I have forgiven you. I cannot and will never know for sure, if I made myself a victim in my head, or if it was justifiable and I had been pretty seriously bullied. We all have moments we're not proud of, and I give you the benefit of the doubt that if you did those harmful and mean things purposely, you are changed and would never do so now.

I truly am struggling to publish this post, because I don't want anyone who was involved to feel bad all over again, or feel the need to apologize. You don't need to. I understand. I'm ok, and you're ok.

Poor Charlie Brown really speaks to my past self. I KNEW nobody liked me. Teachers didn't even like me. I didn't like me! I knew I got talked about. I wish I had a hard shell, but I was born without any shell. I'm the kind of person that has anxiety for days over the littlest confrontation. The things people used to say about me...the gossip, the smirks and snickers and smug mean girl faces and "way to go!" vibes when my boyfriend used to tell me off and make me cry in front of everyone in class literally caused stabbing pains in my chest. Sometimes I'm amazed at myself thinking about it. That I actually had the strength to sit there in front of everyone with tears in my eyes, hating myself, hating him, hating everyone that laughed at me, hating life, when what I felt like doing was falling to the floor and curling up in the fetal position. Disappearing from existence. Or that I had the strength to walk out of school and go home, when it felt like the equivalent of army crawling through a jungle with a broken leg and arm. 

Picture it.

To feel guilty, ashamed, angry, annoyed, selfish, small, to be disgusted with yourself, thinking that no one else can stand you either and that others find joy in you getting hurt, AND blaming yourself for it.

 Sometimes I'm amazed at myself that I maintained an A-/B+ average in high school. Homework was so difficult for me. Concentrating in class was impossible. I was so focused on how everyone else felt about me. I knew something didn't add up when I got to college, where there's thousands more people and you're less likely to stick out, and I was praised by nearly all my professors for my abilities, intellect and writing talents. Either something was wrong with me or something was wrong with that high school that I left there honestly thinking I would be a C student in college and hopefully I would even make it through and graduate. 7 semesters later I was an A+ student (with the exception of those darn Spanish classes haha) graduating early! Boo-yah grandma! Anyway....

Here's a story that still makes me cringe and gives me heart stabs to think about: 

I think most people know I was in band. I had a small, very close group of friends that were all in my class that I hung out with at practices, including the bf. One nite, I showed up to practice early like always, because that's what all of us always hang out and talk beforehand. It had been our routine for 4 years. I get there, and I can't find them anywhere. I wandered around for a few minutes feeling pretty dumb. I think I called 1 or 2 of them once to figure out what was going on, and the calls got ignored. I knew it couldn't just be coincidence that they were all missing and all not answering their phones. I asked around and other people said that they'd seen them there earlier. I walked back outside and looked for them, didn't see them. I still wonder if they saw me standing out there looking and made fun of me. I think to kill time I probably went to the bathroom once or twice, annoyed and upset. My depression made me feel like had it been anyone else in my situation, calling wouldn't have looked desperate and someone happily would've answered and been like "yeah we're out here, come out you have to be a part of this it's hilarious" or something. But since it was me I swore they were like "ugh, Sheridan's trying to call. Just ignore it, she's so effing annoying, I wish we didn't have to pretend to be her friend. (To bf): You really need to do something about that". I hated that I cared so much and looked desperate. So eventually the band director called everyone to the stage to get started, everyone's seated, and my friends still aren't there. Practice starts and 5 minutes later, they all come sauntering in, talking, laughing, smirking and having a grand old time. I tried to be as nonchalant as possible for a depressed girl that felt tricked and abandoned and later asked my bf where they had been, and he immediately responded with some sharp angry comment "we were just in (insert girls name here)'s car, you weren't here yet when we decided to go out there, it's not like it's our fault!" "That's cool, but then how come none of you answered your phones?" "We just didn't hear it, ok?! Stop making such a big deal out of nothing!" And it was like I was being punished.

Now maybe to you, this doesn't seem so bad, and I was overreacting. Maybe to me it wouldn't have been so bad either had I not been depressed. But unfortunately, things like that had happened frequently, and to me it felt like the last straw. My unhealthy mind had grown used to the blame others always put on me, and the guilt he tried to make me feel. Was I really that bad? I don't know. Was he really that bad? I like to think so, but I don't know. Like I said, it was toxic, so it was probably both. In that moment, I knew something, deep down. Maybe not all of my friends, but definitely him and one other, had deliberately made sure to run out there and hide somewhere where I would never think to find them. And then chose to ignore my calls, come in late, and leave me out of the fun. And then get mad at me for asking. It was a vicious cycle: 1. do something to hurt Sheridan, 2. pretend you didn't do it to hurt her, 3. make her feel bad for being so self-centered as to get hurt and upset by it, 4. Sheridan feels like a huge jerk and guiltily wonders why anyone puts up with her at all. 

Depression or the real truth? I hope whoever is reading this will begin to see how hard it is to tell the difference when you're going through it.

One time, about a week prior to that story, I walked into math class at the end of the period during free time. Those same 2 people were looking up something on the computer for our upcoming band concert, and she was sitting on his lap. It had gotten to the point where I didn't even get mad about things like that anymore, because I wasn't allowed to, and I was numb. Similar things had happened countless, and I really mean COUNTLESS times before then. I was always yelled at for it, because apparently this was supposed to be acceptable behavior. What was unacceptable was me getting angry over it. So I just approached them and sat next to them like nothing was wrong, and started discussing funny nickname ideas for our concert t-shirts. And they just stayed right where they were. Picture that for a second. Girlfriend of TWO YEARS walks up to boyfriend with girl sitting on his lap flirting, pulls up a chair and awkwardly sits next to them, trying to be nice while tangibly feeling the 'you're unwanted here' vibes coming from them.

If my life were ever made into a movie, I would totally go Walter Mitty on them in that scene...throw her off, slap him, kick him in his tiny package, say a few choice words with a few choice gestures and walk out of there with my head held high. And then you keep watching and realize that was only in my head. And what really happened was I sat there politely and took it, while everyone else appreciated my discomfort. That's what low self esteem is like.

In my eyes (once again, depressive thought or reality, idk) everyone at that school LOVED my boyfriend. Worshipped him. He was like Jesus to them. (He once explained to me why cheating on me with a girl from another school was ok because she had a rough life and he had a dream about her and thought it was a call from God to help her. Just thought I'd throw that out there.) Every teacher thought he was a natural born charismatic leader. Every girl wanted him. Every jealous girl x10 for her friends all thought I was an undeserving, angry, miserable, selfish b-word. In my mind, every teacher agreed. With the exception of 3 or 4 teachers who I could tell honestly liked me or just didn't buy into teenage ridiculousness, I'm pretty sure all teachers were in on the drama. I felt like even they judged me wrongly, thought that he deserved better than me and viewed me in a negative way. It felt like there were sides, and everyone was on his. Girls used to approach him with doe eyes and ooey-gooey voices, flirt with him like they could barely keep themselves off of him, and never acknowledge that I was standing right next to him. I hated being the jealous girlfriend that stands there 'throwing shade', but really? It didn't help that he was secretly making out with most of them. So instead of being like "thanks but no thanks, I really like my girlfriend, she's pretty sweet" it was more of an ego boost and a reason to yell at me for being mad later. And it was such a mangled mess of emotion and thought...because I WAS miserable. I remember sometimes for the life of me not being able to understand what anyone would be jealous of, because I was in this awful relationship with an awful human being. And didn't I deserve better? But at the same time, I put him up on a pedestal too. Sometimes I convinced myself that he was right, and I was wrong. I was convinced that he WAS a saint, and I actually WAS a terrible, selfish, jealous, undeserving girl. If everyone felt that way...if everyone so obviously adored him and would've been happier had I just disappeared, it must have been right, right? I literally did feel like I was crazy and losing my mind...ALL. THE. TIME. Because the battle of is he a bad person or am I a bad person, of why am I putting up with these fake friends or why do they put up with me was constantly playing in my head.

Reading the article, I cracked up laughing at the gif of Matthew Perry being like "I AM SICK OF EVERYONE!" because man, that was me.

If anyone did disagree with him, they never stood up to him as far as I know. No one ever said to him "you know, that's really low" or "you have a girlfriend. it's ok if you're unhappy and you don't like her anymore, but then break up with her!" "put yourself in her shoes, how would you feel?" "stop being a douche!" Actually, I remember there was one boy who confronted him about it once. I'm pretty sure he had a thing for me. He was a kind-hearted soul. A few of us were sitting in the cafeteria, and when the bf's argument fell flat about why he always put this other girl before me, he (the bf) got so upset he stormed out and wouldn't talk to either of us for awhile. I was so appreciative of the kid, it still makes me a little teary.

I just wanted ONE friend, ONE teacher to feel empathy for me. To say "Sheridan I'm worried about you" or "Sheridan, that is NOT ok, you don't deserve this". I may have responded numbly at the time, but what bothers me is realizing today that with the exception of that one story, it never happened. And it bothers me so much, not because I feel entitled to have had that, but for the future. For kids now suffering with anxiety, depression, toxic relationships.

Guys, I understand feeling like it's not your place. Or liking 2 feuding people and not wanting to take sides. But if you suspect you have a depressed friend, if you see them suffering in a relationship that is no good for them, if you think your friend's significant other is a jerk AND your friend is miserable, if it's your place to say something or maybe even if it's not...just SAY something. Even if they don't listen or don't wanna hear it. Just say something. Please.

Innocent bystanders and the Switerlands of the situation either faded away, or became vicious gossipers and haters. I had a few true friends like Jen who would always tell me she loved me. Haley, who would eat large amounts of pizza with me and say things like "you just pretend that tennis ball is his/her face Sheridan and hit it as hard as you need to". Amanda, who was always supportive and ALWAYS took my side and never judged. And I was grateful for them. Even more so now. But I never believed them. Never thought I deserved them. Never took what they said to heart or was boosted up by it. Depression keeps that from happening. Compliments just go in one ear and right out the other. I lost so many friends. Some of them probably got tired of me always being sad, never seeming to appreciate their compliments or kind comments and just walked away. Most of them joined the everybody hates Sheridan bandwagon. Or so it felt. Most noteworthy, no one, not even me, understood that I had depression.

And so I left that school without a friend in the world. I spent that summer as a shell, a zombie, a robot. I went to work everyday, my first summer at Tudor Grill and was just a total zombie. I wouldn't talk. I hid in a corner. People must have thought I was SO weird. I laugh and cringe at the same time thinking about it. I remember I actually got invited to a couple graduation parties (I assumed it was out of pity, not that anyone would actually want me there) and I got as far as the driveway of one girl's house before I turned around and went back home. Everyone there secretly or not so secretly hated me anyway, why put myself through that?

I started school at Millersville in the fall still as a shell, a zombie, a robot. By the way, depression as a junior in high school caused me to not really care or be able to plan for my future at all. I had no idea where the heck I wanted to go to college, I didn't know what I wanted to study, and I didn't have the strength or energy to fill out applications. Despite being a smart cookie, my grades had slipped because of the drama, heartache, and my depression, so I didn't think I could get into some schools. I didn't believe in myself if I could have. So I applied to one school, that's about all I could muster the energy or brain power to think about, and that was Millersville. So that's where I went. And I don't regret that decision, Millersville was good for me. But I do regret missing out on the joy and thrill of researching and choosing which colleges I wanted to go to. Did you know that hard-to-get-into BYU Provo actually contacted ME, wanting me to go there and take part in their music program? I didn't realize until recently what a huge honor that was. As a depressed person, it didn't phase me.

I was totally apathetic about school. Just completely numb. Had no interest in doing anything. And somehow, despite the fact that I KNOW I was the weirdest most socially awkward, unfriendly college freshman on planet earth...despite the fact that I lost my first college "friends" within a couple months and went into a horrible downward spiral...I did find a couple real friends at the end of my first semester. Thanks Pam and Ellen, for loving me anyway. For continually inviting me to come eat lunch with you guys after class even though I never even gave you the time of day in class, and kept turning you down for awhile so I could go eat by myself in my dorm. I felt too awkward to ever go to the dining hall alone. I remember sitting there in my dorm one day after just turning you guys down and thinking "Sheridan, what are you thinking? These nice people invited you to hang out with them. Are you going to sit here by yourself without friends for the rest of your life?" And so, despite the depressive thoughts telling me you guys were just being polite, that realization got me to accept your offer the next time. And I'm so glad I did! You guys changed my life. :') Steph, thanks for listening to me rant for countless hours as I tried to sort through the mess of everything that was high school. I eventually just let it go and stopped caring, but I appreciate your willingness to let me bend your ear and vent relentlessly. =)

After that first year of school, I got a little better. The depression was still there but it wasn't so deeply rooted. It was more that it would flare up, frequently, but it wasn't a constant. I remember a big source of confusion and depression for me was the fact that my ex, who I felt had done a lot of wrong, had dumped me and from that point on made a big show of rising from the ashes and having this perfect wonderful happy life. Maybe it really did feel that way for him, it was after all a bad situation for both of us, but I struggled over it. Of course I still felt like everyone else in the world was so proud of him for it too and couldn't care less if I was happy, doing better, doing worse, alive, dead. Whatever. I thought he didn't deserve it and I thought I was an ok, trying-to-get-better person and couldn't understand why my life was going so badly. It made me once again judge myself and assume I was unloved and undesirable.

I don't remember where I heard the idea, but I used to make myself write down 3 happy things that happened each day to combat all the naturally-occurring unhappy thoughts in my brain. Often times it would be simple things like "I saw my favorite duck at the pond today" "the dining hall had dirt dessert" "Pam showed me this funny video" or "I'm going home this weekend". I went home every weekend during my depression, and I am not ashamed. I wasn't a drinker and I had sleeping issues, and that's all kids do on the weekends anyway. If I hadn't been able to go home and snuggle my kitty cats and have familiar people around me and cry to my mom for hours upon hours about anything and everything, I wouldn't have survived.

That statement is SO true. I feel fortunate that as a depressed person, I knew who loved me and saw beauty in simple things. I craved a life with tons of friends; craved going out doing social college kid things all the time. But instead I learned to appreciate the comfort of my room at home, the wisdom and listening ears of my parents, the purring of my sweet kitties, the peace that comes with solitude. Learned to develop the relationship I have with my Heavenly Father. Learned and understood the loving and merciful nature of my Savior. In my darkest moments, more than any other time in my life, I learned and appreciated those beautiful things. ļ»æ

Eventually, in it's final year from the beginning of the fall semester 2007-2008, my depression turned to the boring stage. I had friends, I had a good time hanging out with them. I liked going to class. I'd still go home a lot. But I felt really bored and empty whenever I was alone, and being alone still happened a lot. Which wasn't always the best for me because than I would get to thinking and spacing out and doing the head hand thing.

In fall of 2008, I lived in an "apartment" so to speak with 3 other girls who accepted me and liked to have fun. And it was at some point throughout that semester of being actively involved in a club with them, going on late nite trips for junk food, jamming to *Nsync in the car, and decorating and having parties together, that I realized it was gone. I was happy, I liked myself, and the past didn't bother me anymore. It didn't hurt that around the same time, I realized my ex was human and had bad days too just like me and everybody else, no matter what he tried to portray on social media. I found out that he cheated on other girls too, and that it wasn't just me. It dawned on me that that part of the relationship was his choice, and not something I had forced him into or drove him to do because I was totally despicable and deserved it. (Do you hear that, future children and current sufferers? NO ONE DESERVES THAT. Don't let someone treat you that way, EVER!)  

It was his choice

Something about knowing that truly set me free. If any depressive thoughts remained, it was obliterated in the light that came with that epiphany. It was SO refreshing and liberating to not be depressed anymore. Like sprouting wings and flying away. Being able to breathe in the air and really REALLY feel it. It also was really awkward sometimes as the article stated. I would try to make friends or go to church activities or be extroverted for the first time in years, and it was all horribly awkward but good at the same time haha. I am very impressed and have developed a new love for people...many of them have a great capacity to be kind and become your friends even if you're really weird at first.

In closing, Robin Williams said something in Hook that is my all-time favorite quote.

 I'm having issues getting the actual video on here, so for now here's the link:

And while I am heartbroken that he himself and many others get so beaten down that they give up on life so precious and see no way out other than suicide, I feel blessed that in my dark ages, suicide never crossed my mind. I admit I sometimes wished I could die. That I would fall asleep and peacefully slip through the veil and go home. I would pray to God, "I wanna go home!" so many times. But I am grateful that I trudged along, grateful for the love of my parents, for everything I learned and gained, and for the wisdom of my Heavenly Father that saw me through the dark. So now I continue my awfully big (and wonderful) adventure. And pray that my future curly-haired baby girls will never go through something like that.

R.I.P. Robin

And you, yes YOU! You can do this!


Monday, May 26, 2014

The Dying Soldier

I have found that this song, more than anything else, brings into my heart a spirit of reverence and appreciation for the people who have served in the military. So I thought I would share it on here.

Happy Memorial Day!

Sunday, May 25, 2014

A chef's lament

I have a few minutes and thought I'd take this time to tell a short and goofy story that just came to mind. =)

The joy of cooking is real for me. I'm not a professional (though I did work as a cook for years) but I know my way around the kitchen and have an extensive list of things I've made before and rocked at. And while there's days where I definitely prefer relaxing and ordering a pizza, it's fun, and I enjoy it.

That being said, I HATE raw chicken.

It's something all cooks have to deal with on a regular basis, and so do I. I put up with a non-and-never-gonna-be vegetarian, I have to. It's pretty much unavoidable.

To help you understand my hatred, let me explain some of the processes I go through. To compensate for how gross I think it is, I become very OCD when handling it. When I dice, slice, shred or in any way cut chicken, I wash my hands about 5-6 times from start to finish. And the cutting board can never be clean enough. If I had the money I would honestly consider throwing a cutting board out after each time it comes in contact with raw chicken, and starting fresh with a new one . The fat (ugh, the fat!) that I cut off, I put in a ziplock bag and it immediately goes in the dumpster because I don't want it anywhere in my house.

I am totally fine with all other kinds of meat. The smell, sight of it, touch...I can squeeze that stuff with my bare hands. Doesn't bother me in the slightest.

Well, here's the story. Back when Chase and I were dating, over a year ago, he came to visit me in Philly for the weekend. I was cooking some chicken fettucini alfredo for dinner. (Technically chicken farfalle alfredo, because we like the bowties.) =)

At the time, Chase was unaware of my feelings about raw chicken. We got the chicken out to dice it, Chase was teasing me, and he thought it would be funny, with the raw chicken breast in his hand, to jokingly slap my face with it. And when I say jokingly slap I mean more of a light 'boop'. Don't worry, I'm not being abused.

Either way, it touched my cheek and part of my lip. And instantly, simultaneously, in the very moment that it did, I burst into tears and ran to the bathroom, where I scrubbed my hands, arms, face, lips, and probably even the inside of my mouth with soapy water. I didn't care. I was frantic. I think I even brushed my teeth. Which I probably should've done in the first place instead of soap, right?

Chase felt bad once he realized I was crying...but honestly, I'll tell you what I told him. I wasn't mad at him at all! He didn't know, it was all in lighthearted good fun. I wasn't upset that he did it, or that he was teasing me.

I cried because raw chicken touched my face.

And that's the truth.